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I. Practice: Practice at home is essential for learning to play any instrument. Parents need to help, encourage and remind daily. A good routine usually works best. Discuss with the student and the other family members as to the time that works best for all concerned. no one likes to practice all of the time. All of us, including myself, have difficulty getting it all in. However, it is much more difficult when several days go by without anything done on it. A consistent daily session works best. Please remember that I have to practice too!


II. Payment: The Cello Institute calendar is by term. Not by the week or month.  The CIM year is divided into three 14-week terms.  Tuition for the entire term is due before the first lesson of that term. Arrangements may be made to make monthly tuition payments, but these must be of four (4) equal payment amounts. The number of lessons in that month is not the prevailing factor. It is the total number of weeks in the term. All tuition is pre-paid.  Fees: tuition for each 14-week term is:  1400.00 for a 60 minute weekly private lesson and 700.00 for a 30 minute weekly private lesson (only for beginners through Suzuki Book 1 or equivalent.  This includes pianist fees and materials fees. It does not include the fee to perform with the orchestra. 

A number of excellent fractional sized instruments are available to borrow from CIM. The nominal cost is 100.00 per term.  All repairs and string replacements are the responsibility of the borrower.  More information is noted below. 


III. Absences: A 48 hour notice is necessary to re-schedule a lesson if you expect a make-up lesson. If you need to change at the last minute, you may trade lesson times with another student. I understand that last minute emergencies come up for everyone. I have been very lenient about this in the past and it's really too difficult to manage from my end to keep this open policy. Make-ups need to be scheduled within one month of the cancellation. Make-up lessons will not be made up if cancelled. No credit will be given for lessons not used. Any lesson that the teacher must miss will of course be made up. As you know, I maintain a very busy performing schedule. Most of the schedule changes for this are out of my control. Therefore, I rarely teach after a certain time most evenings as it creates too many lesson conflicts. Students are expected to prioritize consistent attendance at CIM lessons and ensemble rehearsals.


IV. Cancellation: It is expected that a student beginning study in the fall will continue their study throughout the school year. In the event of lesson termination, notice must be given one month in advance. No refunds of tuition unless the family moves away from the area. The teacher may also terminate lessons with a student for misbehavior or consistently poor preparation. This is entirely at the discretion of the teacher.


V. Performances: Dress for performance is: White shirt/blouse and black pants or skirt. I Cellisti members wear all black with a long or bow tie.  Skirts must be of a modest length. Remember, you are cellists! Black shoes if possible and always black socks for the boys! It is expected that you attend all formal Cello Institute events - even when you are not performing. This does not include informal Saturday morning recitals. All of the scheduled performances are for your benefit. One major school concert is scheduled each semester with solo recitals scheduled throughout the semester as needed. All performances are open to the public and students are encouraged to invite guests.


VI. Borrowed instruments: The Institute has a number of instruments and bows that may be borrowed for a small fee. Bows are expected to be re-haired upon return. All repairs and replacements are the responsibility of the borrower. The hope is to continue to expand the availability of good, smaller sized cellos to current students at a much lower rental price than what is available from the music store.


VII. Group Placement: All group placement is based upon the students skill level and student population. If the entire "book one" group moves to book two, then the class remains together. Students are not automatically promoted to the next group as the semester or school year changes. As group is such an important aspect of musical training at the Institute, participation is required - as is regular attendance. Consistent absences from group lessons and performances may result in being held back in group advancement.


VIII. Auditions and Placement: CIM offers open enrollment. Lessons and classes are available for students at any level, including beginners. Placement in group takes place in September or following a successful placement audition. Private lesson placements may be made throughout the year, depending on the availability of the teacher.

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